ABLE Moving to OpenScholar on October 20

October 8, 2014

This special issue of the eNews is to notify you that ABLE is migrating to the OpenScholar website platform on October 20. This move was precipitated by the decision to shut down ABLE’s current server in early November. The intent of this website is to replace the current ABLE site and move it to Harvard’s preferred website platform with minimal disruption to the user community. 

We acknowledge the concerns of those who provided survey feedback about ABLE’s decommissioning. We will address these concerns in the future, when we will work with you and others in the financial application and Eureka community to design and develop a consolidated website where application training documents are easily located and maintained. 

Home Page and URLs

ABLE’s main page will remain If you bookmarked this page in your browser or link to it from your local school/department website you do not need to update the URL.

We have applied URL redirects to the ABLE secondary pages (e.g., Chart of Accounts) and forms so your current bookmarks and links to these should continue to work.  As a matter of good practice, however, we recommend that you update your bookmarks and website links to the new URLs after the website is live on October 20.   For your reference, a list on the new ABLE sites URLs have been provided here. 

What You Should See on October 20

Similar Layout
The new ABLE home page contains the same links in similar locations to the old ABLE:


Search is Back
Can’t find a document or page? Use the powerful updated search feature, located in the top-right section of all ABLE pages.  Use this feature to locate any page or form hosted on ABLE.


If you cannot find a document, use the “Can’t find a document?” section that displays on the lower right section of each page to send an e-mail to the training team. Please remember to include the title of the document in the body of the email.

Tips in Using the New Website

Use Your Browser's Back Button
In OpenScholar, links do not open as secondary browser windows. To navigate to back to a page after clicking a link, use your browser’s back button. 

back button

Additional PIN Login May be Needed When Accessing a Form.
If you access a form from ABLE and more than 30 minutes elapse, you will need to login with your HUID and PIN to access the form. Once login is successful, you can access the document at the bottom-left of the PIN login page: 


We hope this site meets the needs of ABLE’s faithful users and causes minimal disruption. Look for the new ABLE website on October 20.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact Bill Ganzenmuller (