Electronic Submission Tracking and Reporting (ESTR)* Education Opportunity Updates

January 21, 2016

Training Sessions: Based on user feedback, instead of class sessions, the ESTR team will now hold informal office hours at least once a month.  IRB experts are available during the open information session to answer any questions about both the ESTR system and IRB review requirements. View the ESTR Support Site Calendar for more details and the schedule of sessions in your area.

Reference Materials: The step-by-step Study Submission Guide is now updated.   You can now search for information on the support site using the search box at the upper right or view topic-based content within your web browser.  Navigate the Submission Guide contents directly at: http://estrsupport.fss.harvard.edu/study-submission-guide or view the pdf version, which is also always available for reference

*What is ESTR?  Also, to learn more about the schedule of ESTR releases and downtime, along with current training materials and resources, please visit our support site: estrsupport.fss.harvard.edu

See also: Live, ESTR, January 2016