Electronic Submission Tracking and Reporting (ESTR) for IRB Upgrade Weekend

October 15, 2015

ESTR will be unavailable Friday, October 16 at noon through Monday, October 19 at 6AM to complete upgrades. IRB submissions will not be accessible during this downtime. Please make IRB submission and review plans accordingly. Current application documents can be downloaded ahead of time from the appropriate IRB office website:

  • HMS, HSDM, and HSPH (Studies in Longwood Medical Area only) at hsph.harvard.edu/ohra
  • FAS, GSE, HKS, HBS, SEAS, HLS, GSD, HDS, and Radcliffe Institute (Studies in University Area only) at cuhs.harvard.edu

For a detailed list of new features, as well as current job aids and training information, please visit the ESTR Support Site: estrsupport.fss.harvard.edu