Bonus Day Reporting for Calendar Year 2022

May 12, 2022

As announced by President Bacow in his email on March 14, 2022, the University has awarded three additional paid days off (bonus days) for the summer of 2022. These bonus days are granted for 2022 only and are not official University Holidays and should not be treated as such.

Time Reporting Scenarios for Clerical/Technical Workers

Many users have asked which time types to use when reporting time for the two bonus days. Here are some guidelines for clerical/technical workers.

For the three bonus days this year (May 31st, June 17th and July 1st ), non-exempt employees will be paid double time for hours worked, they will not be able to “bank” time to be taken later. In addition to reporting Regular (REG) for hours worked, there are three-time reporting/earnings codes to report this time.

Time Reporting Codes:

BDO – Bonus Day Off

  • Used to report hours scheduled but not worked
  • Paid at hourly rate
  • Does not add to overtime hours

BDW – Bonus Day Worked

  • Used to report hours worked (to pay double time)
  • Paid at hourly rate
  • Does not add to overtime hours but does add to FLSA rate

BDP– Bonus Day Paid

  • Used to pay out hours for those not scheduled to work (payout is one-fifth of the employees scheduled hours for the week)
  • Paid at Hourly Rate
  • Does not add to Overtime Hours

REG*– Regular

  • Used to report hours worked
  • Paid at hourly rate


Bonus Day Time Reporting Scenarios (all scenarios assume a 35-hour schedule)
Employee scheduled but not working on May 31.

Report: 5/31    


Employee scheduled but works only the morning of June 17.

Report: 6/17  

REG 3.50

BDW 3.50

BDO  3.50

Employee is not scheduled to work on July 1.

Report: 7/1  

 BDP 7

Employee works 7 hours on July 1.

Report: 7/1  



Employee works 10 hours on July 1*.

Report: 7/1    

REG 10

BDW 10

Employee not scheduled to work on July 1, works 3 hours.

Report: 7/1  



BDP  4


Bonus Day Time Reporting Scenarios (compressed work week)
Employee working compressed week, not scheduled for 5/31

Report: 5/31    

BDP 7 (1/5 of scheduled hours)

Employee working compressed week, scheduled to work on 5/31 but not working

Report: 5/31  

BDO   8.75 (scheduled hours for the day)

Employee working compressed week, scheduled to work and works part of day on 6/17

Report: 6/17   



BDO 5.75 (hours to make up scheduled hours for day)

Employee working compressed week not scheduled to work on July 1, works 3 hours.

Report: 7/1  



BDP   4 (hours to make up 1/5 scheduled hours for week)

*The REG hours will add to overtime hours for the week and could create overtime premium pay for the week.

Exempt Staff/Temps/Service/Trades

Workers to be managed and determined locally. For exempt employees, temps, or service/trades workers, please refer to the relevant personnel manual, union contract, or your local HR office.