FY21 Capital Spending Plan Submissions due in CPATH

January 16, 2020

The FY21 Capital Spending Plan (CSP) submissions will be due in CPATH by end of day on Friday, February 14, 2020. CSP Narrative Update questions were included with the FY21 Budget Guidelines and Narratives (questions 9 -12) distributed by Office of Financial Strategy and Planning (OFSP) in December. Responses are due March 6, 2020 along with the OFSP narratives; OFSP will forward your CSP narrative responses to CAPS.
FCI calculations will not be part of the FY21 capital spending plan submission. Retrospective building FCI’s are done each year in the fall as part of the prior year review and multi-year capital planning efforts. It is recommended that the automated FCA tool be updated regularly, but especially at the end of each fiscal year. 

The following CPATH reports will help in preparing the upcoming capital spending plan and narrative updates: 

  • CP 960: Plan to Actuals with Funding Sources (current FY) – The CP960 report reflects forecasted spending by funding source. Spending by funding source is obtained from the CPATH Capital Spending sub-tab of the Finance tab. 
  • CP 979: Plan to Actuals with CIP Funding  – The CP979 report reflects transfers of funds by type (Reserves, Philanthropy, Debt, Other) to projects in prior years; for the current fiscal year; and commitments for future years. Funding by source is obtained from the CPATH CIP Funding sub-tab of the Finance tab. 
  • CP 977: Historic Plan to Actuals and MYCP Forecast Bar Chart – The CP977 chart shows annual authorized Plan and CapEx for the four years prior to the current year; current year authorized Plan, actual CapEx, and forecast; and future Plan and forecasts for the next five years. 
  • CP 963 Capital Plan vs Year 1 Capital Budget Comparison – The CP963 report compares the current FY21 forecasted capital spend with the FY21 portion of the FY21-25 Multi-Year Capital Plan submitted last fall. 

Please contact the IT Help Desk (617-495-7777 or ithelp@harvard.edu) for CPATH technical matters or FAD/CAPS with business issues/questions. User feedback on the CPATH and CAPS applications is always appreciated. 

There may be a CAPS Road Show in the spring… stay tuned for topics and specific dates and times.  

See also: Live, CAPS, January 2020