Research Administration & Compliance Systems - Feb 2020 Updates

February 13, 2020

The latest information about the ecrt, Data Safety, GMAS, ESTR-IRB, Agreements-DUA, and PI Dashboard.


Important dates for the FY20 Q2 project statements:

Review period: January 21, 2020 to February 10, 2020
Certification period: February 11, 2020 to March 11, 2020
FY20 Q2 Project Certifications Due: March 11, 2020

Please reach out to with any questions.

Data Safety

Data Safety is now available and the revised Harvard Research Data Security Policy is coming soon!

Data Safety, a new application intended to support tracking, monitoring, and compliance associated with to the data security requirements for research data sets, is still in a soft launch period. During this period, researchers have the option to use the system to complete required reviews and provide feedback.

The revised Harvard Research Data Security Policy will be effective starting on April 15 2020. Beginning on that date, all Research Data Security reviews must be submitted through the Data Safety system.

Get ready for the new policy by visiting the Research Administration and Compliance Systems page for more information or register for an upcoming information session.


Development continues towards enhancing the cost share form and pre-award workflow. The team continues working closely with the Cost Share Committee and the GMAS Business Steering and Executive Committees. The release date is still being determined, but it is expected to be sometime in early April.

For any questions about these efforts, please reach out to


The ESTR support team is working on the next system update, scheduled for the spring. In the coming weeks, please visit the ESTR Support site to learn more about the exciting changes being planned.


The Agreements-DUA support team is working on the next system update, scheduled for the spring. In the coming weeks, please visit the Agreements Support site to learn more about the exciting changes being planned.

PI Dashboard

Continue to be in a period where school users are getting familiar with and using the major enhancements deployed in November.

Team continues to work on upgrading several infrastructure components.