Harvard Training Portal – Promotional Video Launched!

September 15, 2016

To mark the official broader launch of the Training Portal, the following promotional video has been launched to help communicate more of the system’s overall benefits for managers, employees, faculty, and students: https://youtu.be/exjl02LJFrI\

Some interesting statistics to date:

  • 2200+ staff have enrolled in instructor-led courses.
  • 5,000+ students completed required web-based Title IX training. This month undergraduate students will also be assigned Title IX training.
  • 15,000+ unique users have accessed the system since launch – about 750 unique logins per weekday.
  • 15,300 course completions in 233 courses

For questions or issues with using the portal, please email trainingportalhelp@harvard.edu.

Harvard Training Portal | Search. Register. Watch. Track.